Monday, October 11, 2010

13 Wildly Irresponsible Vintage Ads Aimed at Kids: #1. Cocaine Isn't Just for Daddy Anymore

OK, maybe we're being a little unfair here. Sure, we know cocaine is bad for kids now. But they didn't know back in 1885 when this ad ran. Just like they didn't know that TV rots your brain back when Motorola claimed that TV was a magical learning box ...

Hell, we're just now learning the evils of corn syrup. How should they know not to run an ad specifically telling you to feed babies 7 Up ...

... or just straight corn syrup.

But that doesn't mean that they were worse parents. They still obviously loved their kids, just like parents today. Well, unless the kid's slovenly disregard for her figure was disgracing the family. Then all bets were apparently off ...



  1. lol @ all of these especially the cocaine one.

  2. 7up used to be laced with lithium....

  3. Are these photoshoped? Theres no way advertiser's would spend that much money for that to be the result.

  4. Oh, past advertisements, you make us all look like such morons.

  5. These were so good I especially liked the first two.

  6. Lol it's both terrible and awesome at the same time. Legalise cocaine drops! Haha :P

  7. I need some corn syrup for lunch

  8. They still use cocaine as a topical anesthetic for sinus surgery. It's scheduled as a C2. High potential for misuse and addiction but has acceptable medical use.

  9. Is that a good price for cocaine? I mean, am I paying too much? 15 cents damn...

  10. Oh Cocaine... is there anything you CAN'T do?

  11. I'm still trying to figure out that last one...and obviously the media-making-girls-anorexic thing is older than some people want to give credit for.

    Is the ad saying the kid doesn't give a shit if she has to wear ugly-ass clothes 'cause she's not a size 2? Or is it supposed to be more "I want cute clothes, I don't care where you get them from or how much of a bitch they are to find!"

    Seriously though, I wanna beat over the head whoever saw that kid and said, "Oh, she's chubby! Let's put her in one of our ads for chubby kids clothes!"

  12. I still use cocaine toothache drops once in a while...

  13. cocaine toothache drops XD thats awesome
